New York Bagels
For the last two weekends, my friend has been coming over every Sunday to do wedding prep with me. On
Let the small things bother you
People often like to give the advice of "don't sweat the small stuff" and "let
Channeling Wanda
You have exhausted my patience. But I do hope you understand, that even now, what's about to happen,
My Leadership Style
Today someone said to me:
I really enjoy your leadership style. Upbeat, clear, fun, and assertive.
Hearing this compliment was
Chasing your own north star
Many years ago, I found myself caught in the middle of some organizational politics. I was stuck in a deadlock
Earning trust through curiosity
The other day, Seth Godin wrote this in his blog post titled Coercion:
One way to look at power is
Our strengths, their struggles
When I hang out with my software engineer friends, we often find ourselves complaining about work, particularly about the people
Finding Sunshine
Sometimes the world feels really bleak. Despite our best efforts, everything feels difficult and terrible, and we just want to
Easy like Friday mornings
This week has been incredibly hectic, and what feels good to me right now is giving myself the permission to
Being proud of yourself
Today I started my first group mentoring session with my two new mentees. We talked about our goals and expectations